Spring Grooming Tips for Men
Whether you live in the sunny south where shorts and air conditioning are already part of the daily fare, or are stuck bundled up and waiting for warmer weather somewhere up north, it’s time to start thinking about your spring grooming routine. The coats and long sleeves of winter mean you can get away with a variety of appearance faux pas, but warmer weather means showing more skin. You don’t have to spend a fortune getting rid of every last trace of body hair, but every woman appreciates a man who pays some attention to his grooming.
Should It Stay or Should it Go?
While women are quick to remove every last trace of body hair, most men want to leave at least a little stubble behind. You’ll need to decide what to leave and what to remove, and one of the best people to ask is your partner. If you’re single or your partner doesn’t have much input, consider how you look in a bathing suit or short sleeves. Are there stray hairs poking out from underneath your shirt collar? Does your back look like a blanket? Time to remove the hair. Most men leave leg and arm hair, trim excess hair on their neck, and then attempt to obliterate back hair. If you’re proud of a beach-ready body, removing hair from your chest and stomach is a great way to let your muscles peek through.
The Fastest Way to Remove Hair
No one wants to spend time every other day plucking, shaving, or applying smelly creams. The most effective way to get rid of excess body hair is to wax it right off. A good wax job can last a couple of weeks, and is less likely to yield ugly and painful ingrown hairs. Our VidaSleek Sugar Wax Kit can leave you blissfully hair-free for up to eight weeks, and is safe for even the most sensitive of skin
Even with the best wax kit, your first at-home wax can be a confusing undertaking. For the smoothest, healthiest skin, try the following tips:
- Make sure your hair is at least 1/4” long before you wax. This makes it easier for the wax to grab the hair.
- Work on skin that is free of any lotions, or oils, or sweat and apply a thin layer of talcum powder before applying the wax. This ensures that no residue on your skin will interfere with the effectiveness of the wax product.
- Work in small sections. Don’t try to wax your entire back with one quick tug. Instead, stick to smaller 2-inch sections, gradually removing hair on each area of your body.
- Exfoliate your skin on the days you do not wax. This will loosen ingrown hairs and reduce your risk of patches of stubble and skin irritation.
Men can no longer get away with poor grooming habits, particularly when they’re going to the beach or important social events. You don’t have to go to a frilly spa or sign up for regular appointments with a hair removal expert. In just a few minutes, you can get rid of any excess hair at home – and no one even has to know you waxed.