Common Causes of Excess Body Hair
It can start with a single stray hair that you studiously ignore, hoping the problem is all in your head. And then one hair becomes two; two become ten, and maybe ten become a hundred. There’s a lot of shame associated with excess body hair, particularly among women, so you might feel shy talking to your friends or doctor about it. But this strategy leaves you totally in the dark, wondering if you’re normal, and wondering if there’s anything you can do about your excess body hair. Understanding the cause is the first step in the journey toward feeling better about your body and banishing excess hair for good.
Unrealistic Beauty Standards
Some people find themselves lamenting every stray hair because they think any extra body hair isn’t normal. Most women shave, and men are increasingly getting hair removal treatments. Consequently, the people you see every day may not be good representatives of what’s really “normal.” And if you read lots of magazines or look at advertisements, you might be left with the mistaken belief that all women are naturally hair-free and men only grow hair in the right places. Nothing could be further from the truth, and almost everyone has some body hair. It’s totally normal even to have a few stray hairs on your face, chest or stomach.
Hormonal Imbalances
When hair growth is truly excessive, hormonal imbalances are far and away the most common cause. Among both men and women, an excess production of androgens can lead to both excessive body hair growth and hair loss on the head. Further, most people find that they grow more body hair as they age, and this is due in part to hormonal shifts – particularly among women, who produce less estrogen as they age. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, a disorder that affects up to 10 percent of women, causes a host of problems, including excess body hair.
If you notice that you’re suddenly growing more hair, it’s worth your time to visit your doctor and get a blood test. A few tweaks to your hormones combined with the right removal routine may be all it takes to feel smooth and confident again.
Endocrine System Disorders
Your endocrine system helps your body both regulate and produce hormones, so when something goes wrong with your endocrine system, excess hair growth can be the first symptom. Cushing syndrome, for example, occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of a hormone called cortisol. When this happens, your adrenal glands go haywire and you may produce patches of hair all over your body. Endocrine system disorders are highly treatable, but can quickly wreak havoc on your body, so if excess body hair is a new thing for you, be sure to talk to your doctor.
Rare Diseases
The overwhelming majority of excess hair growth is the product of either natural body functions or minor illnesses. Very rarely, however, a more serious condition can be the culprit. This is why it’s so important to know your body and talk to your doctor when something’s amiss. Tumors on your pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands can cause hair growth to go haywire. Similarly, reproductive cancers, particularly ovarian cancer, may throw your hormones out of whack, leading to excess hair.
We can help you get rid of the hair in a safe, pain-free way that won’t destroy your skin or leave you with a five o’clock shadow. But if hair growth is truly excessive, you should also schedule a chat with your doctor to ensure your body and health are in tip-top shape.