What is Sugar Wax? Everything You Need to Know
Let's face it, COVID-19 and quarantining have definitely got the best of us, especially when it comes to our beauty upkeep!
We want to go back to feeling like our amazing selves PQ (that's pre quarantine!) as soon as possible and get seated in those salon chairs and laying on spa beds immediately. It goes double for all of us who've been missing out on our standing waxing appointments!
But before you book your regular hot waxing appointment, have you heard about sugar wax? If you're asking 'what is sugar wax,' keep reading to find out more about why you should swap your service today!
What Is Sugar Wax?
What is sugar wax? It's pretty much like the glow up that regular wax wishes it had.
Sugar wax ingredients are quite simple. It's made up of white sugar, lemon juice, and water to create a gel-like consistency. After the get is created, it's heated up and applied onto the skin using a spatula.
Once it's warm, the sugar wax is applied to the skin with a spatula in the same direction the hair grows. It is used with a non-woven strip to remove the sugar wax.
Most people think you can sugar wax your bikini area only, but sky is the limit on the areas you can sugar wax. It can be done on your legs, underarms, upper lip, arms, anywhere that a regular wax goes sugar waxing can replace it.
Is It Better Than Regular Waxing?
Sugar waxing is much more environmentally friendly than regular waxing. It involved all-natural ingredients without any chemical compounds getting in the mixture and especially getting anywhere near your skin! If you're environmentally conscious and want to use healthy and safe options then sugar waxing is for you.
Sugar wax is definitely less irritating and less painful than regular waxing. The wax is less hot which means less redness and irritation to your skin and it doesn't stick to your skin like regular wax does.
Your hair doesn't need to be as long for sugar waxing as compared to regular waxing. It will only need to be 1/4 of an inch long in order to grip the hair, in comparison to 1/2 an inch for regular waxing.
Preparing For Sugar Waxing
Whether you choose a spa for your appointment or the DIY method of finding a sugar wax retailer yourself, your hair should be at least a 1/4 of an inch long, there are a couple more steps to take before you book an appointment.
You will want to make sure that you exfoliate your body very well. This helps to get rid of any dead skin that's sitting on the surface and allowing a clean surface for all the hair to grip the sugar wax and be removed.
Try not to tan or using any kind of retinoids as they will irritate your skin and make it too sensitive for your sugar waxing appointment. If you have a sunburn, reschedule.
If you're not that great with pain, then you can take an over the counter painkiller about 30 minutes before your appointment or your DIY session to help you. Speaking of pain, if you're on your period you may want to reschedule your appointment as well as you tend to be more sensitive during this time.
Make sure you're not wearing any tight clothes so that you don't irritate your freshly waxed area. Loose-fitting clothing, preferably cotton, should be your outfit of choice on appointment day.
Where Can You Get Sugar Waxed?
As popularity grows for sugar waxing, more and more spa's are offering the service. Do your research for reputable spas in your area before getting the service done.
If you're not into paying big bucks for the service and feel comfortable doing it yourself, you can buy our sugar wax kit online. Be sure the read the instructions to make sure you're doing it properly and check out some how-to videos for help.
Check reviews of the spa's you're looking at and the at-home kits available before purchasing. This will make sure that you're not wasting your money or picking options that can damage your skin.
Post-Sugar Waxing Do's and Don'ts
If you find that your area is still sensitive after you've gotten sugar waxed you can apply a cold compress or alternatively some hydrocortisone cream to the area. You can also take some pain relieving medication afterwards to help.
Once again, try not to tan the area and definitely avoid sweating for at least 24 hours to let the area relax.
You'll also want to avoid shaving or tweezing any stray hairs that may have been left behind as you can severely irritate the area. You can tackle any of those remaining hairs on your next sugar waxing attempt.
If you've gotten sugar wax on your genital area, it's advised to avoid intercourse for at least 24hrs so that you don't irritate the area and create complications.
Just make sure you keep the area dry and sunless after you've gotten sugar wax.
What Is Sugar Wax? It's Waxing, But Way Better!
So we've answered the question of what is sugar wax, along with all the benefits that go along with it. If you've wondered what is sugar wax then you're questions should be answered! If you've debated getting sugar waxing done then hopefully we've helped you guide your way.
Have more questions about how to sugar wax and getting the right products? Be sure to contact us with your questions and we can help guide you in the right direction!