Smooth Skin Aftercare Waxing Tips
In 2019, over 6.97 million Americans waxed 4 times or more within 6 months. Many prefer it to shaving as the hair grows in softer. Also, it takes longer to regrow.
However, just as with shaving, waxing may have some unintended after-effects. Without proper aftercare, you may experience minor breakouts, flaking of the skin, and ingrown hairs.
Want to avoid these annoying things? Here are some aftercare waxing tips so you get smooth and unirritated skin.
Exfoliate the Day Before
Yes, we know this article is about aftercare, but the fact is, there are some things you can do before your waxing session to make things more comfortable afterward. If you've already waxed, this information is still beneficial, since you can use it for next time.
An important thing to do is exfoliate the day before. This makes your skin softer and smoother, which will prevent ingrown hairs from happening after you wax.
Take a Bath or Shower Right Before
Here's another pre-waxing tip: take a bath or shower right before you're supposed to wax. The day of suffices if you can't fit one in before your session.
When you take a bath or shower, this opens up your hair follicles. As a result, hair removal is a lot easier. This means you won't experience as much pain and there will be less irritation.
Don't Use Fragranced Products on the Area
Although fragranced products smell fantastic, they usually use harsh chemicals to achieve those aromatic smells. When you put it on a tender body part, not only can it sting, but it can also cause additional irritation and redness.
In fact, the best thing to do is to avoid using any products at all, at least for the first 24 hours. That way, it keeps the pores open and clear, which will decrease your chances of any complications.
Don't Apply Heat
Heat can irritate your waxed body part and cause it to stay red, irritated, and inflamed for longer. It also keeps your pores open, which will prolong your exposure to bacteria.
If possible, take cold showers. If the weather's too cold to do so, at least turn down the dial as much as you can. This can help close your pores quicker.
Don't Go Suntanning
UV rays are already highly damaging in normal circumstances; can you imagine the havoc they'd wreak on your waxed skin?
You may want to hop to the beach right after waxing, but you need to avoid UV rays for at least 24 hours. And yes, this includes UV lights from tanning beds, too.
Don't Go Swimming
Swimming pools and oceans are full of bacteria, and you're inviting them into your open pores when you take a dip. We know you want to show off your flawless skin right after a waxing session, but it's worth the wait.
Try to avoid hot tubs, saunas, and even baths when you're at home.
In fact, hold off of all exercise if you can. Since it usually involves repetitive movement, this can cause irritation. This may cause inflammation and infection of your open follicles.
Don't Touch the Area (This Includes Sex!)
Whenever you touch the waxed body part, there's a chance bacteria can get into the open follicles and cause an infection, especially if you haven't washed your hands. Try to not touch the area (we know, it's so smooth that you can't keep your hands off it).
Unfortunately, this means you should avoid having sexual contact for a day or two as well. Your partner's bacteria may also cause an infection. That could quickly turn your Brazilian wax from sexy to not so appealing.
If you're planning on debuting your wax job for a romantic interest, it's best if you get it done a few days beforehand. That way, the area has a chance to close its pores and become less red and inflamed.
Exfoliate After 1 to 2 Days
While you shouldn't exfoliate right after waxing, do so after 1 or 2 days. This will help keep your skin soft and prevent ingrown hairs.
Exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week, but take care not to over-exfoliate. If you exfoliate excessively, you may damage your skin and not get the smoothness you wanted.
After exfoliation, follow up with a moisturizer. This can also help with ingrown hairs.
If you have serious problems with ingrown hairs after waxing, then you may want to try an ingrown hair serum. All you have to do is roll it on and it'll both exfoliate and moisturize.
Regularly Moisturize
Moisturizing will be an important part of your routine after waxing. Not only does it keep your skin feeling smooth, but it also prevents ingrown hairs, like all the other aftercare steps.
Try using aloe vera gel. This will both soothe your skin and reduce any irritation. Also, it'll rehydrate it, and reduce any dryness and flaking.
If you're worried about infection, then apply a little tea tree oil to the area. This substance is anti-bacterial and can help fight off nasty germs.
Use These Aftercare Waxing Tips for Maximum Comfort
Long gone are the days of dry and irritated skin after waxing. With these aftercare waxing tips under your belt, you'll get smooth, hydrated skin, no matter where you wax!
So instead of dreading your next waxing session, you'll be looking forward to getting that hairless and flawless skin you deserve.